This Holiday, Please be Vulnerable.
Hi everyone
A student of mine recently started to sob during one of our private sessions. He had been practicing a bind, and a small adjustment to pull his shoulders back and expand his chest triggered such a wave of emotion that he had to release from the posture and collect himself. After a moment I asked him what was going on. He said, “I’ve never done this pose before. I felt so vulnerable. But also strong. I felt joyful…I guess?”
Recalling this situation makes me emotional myself. I admired his willingness to be vulnerable with me, not just by attempting a new posture, but to allow me to see his raw emotional reaction. And then he had the capacity to very thoughtfully explain what was happening! Furthermore, this student likely would not have been able to accomplish that particular posture (Baddha Parsvakonasana, yoga nerds) in the first place had he not allowed himself to be vulnerable. This is proof that there is strength in vulnerability.
Now, I see that one of the most generous things I can give myself, friends, and even my students is vulnerability. Unburdening myself of the effort to hide things does not mean dumping my problems on others. Vulnerability spans my hopes, fears, problems and aspirations, the good and the bad, the ideas and the complaints. Being vulnerable simply means thinking about and sharing the particulars of my humanity to find common ground and strength.
This holiday (especially this holiday), please be vulnerable.
Speaking of vulnerability, I've committed the ultimate act: writing a book and opening myself to judgement! This book is a collection of relatable, yoga-inspired insights from everyday situations. It’s for yoga enthusiasts looking for a different angle off the mat, and also for non-yogis; readers don’t need a yoga practice to find this book valuable. Yoga is functional training for living, and this book is an inclusive and accessible guide to help navigate life’s terrifying, joyful, and unexpected journeys.
Get one for yourself and one for that person who's been asking you, "what's so damn great about yoga?" Now you'll have some answers! Do it now to get it in time for the holidays. (scroll down to see some reviews)
As always, remember you can join me for private yoga sessions to suit your schedule, or you can join drop-in classes online. I'd love to connect with you.
Monday 4:30pm PT, mid-level, 60 minutes
Wednesday 7:30am PT, mid-level, 60 minutes
Privates sessions to suit your schedule
See you on the mat!
Reviews for "How to Not Be a Monster"
Even Your Monster Wants This Book
What gem this book is! It’s true we all have a monster(or three!) inside of us. The author has an authentic tone while relaying very valuable truths about life. This book is chock full of wisdom nuggets, and Stefane Barbeau brings a genuine relatability with anecdotes that have shaped him and his inner monster, and how we can move through life in a more mindful, simple, peaceful manner. I highly recommend this book for all- it’s certainly relevant for yogis but would benefit those who have never unrolled a mat as well. I hope Mr. Barbeau writes another. Five stars!
Thoughtful and wise life lessons
How to Not Be a Monster is a wise, friendly, thought-provoking, practical, and gentle book by an experienced teacher and thinker. Even if you haven’t thought of yourself as (or considered becoming) a monster, you’ll find a trove of important life lessons in Stefane Barbeau’s exploration. This book is a sterling example of what the best of self-improvement writing and reading can be. Highly recommended.
Personal and relatable - wonderful!
I am thoroughly enjoying this inspiring book. It has many personal anecdotes that are so easy to relate to and I am continually intrigued. The stories, observations, and ponderances show how our complex layered thoughts and feelings are just normal. Everyone feels jealousy, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, etc. How to Not be a Monster certainly weaves in the many benefits of yoga practice, as the subtitle implies. It also explores how we can learn to be aware of our reactions to people and events, and how to step away, take a breath, and re-evaluate our reactions. I do not practice yoga and can't wait to read more and more in this lovely book. Highly recommended!
Incredibly impactful and helpful.
I found this book incredibly relatable, and while I do practice yoga, I think it's a great read for everyone. It's so much more than a book about yoga - it's about how to live better. Every chapter delivers thoughtful words of wisdom that can be applied to any aspect of your life. One of my favorite chapters about learning has a great observation about reaching plateaus as you gain knowledge: "The time between plateaus is when I'm the most vulnerable, but also the most vigilant." I have felt exactly this way when I've embarked on a new career path, but never captured the emotions as succinctly.
Buy This Book!
I look forward to reading this again and digesting more of Stefane's thoughtful guidance. I highly recommend to anyone, whether you practice yoga or not. Whether you practice yoga or not, you will certainly see yourself (and others)in one or more of these stories. I SO appreciate Stefane’s wisdom, vulnerability and perspective. This is the kind of book that I will keep on my nightstand for continued inspiration, awareness and reflection. I have a monster inside of me, for sure. She’s a bit more tamed than decades before and perhaps has even a little more grace after reading this book.
Inspiring and authentic
I just finished reading How to Not Be a Monster and it will definitely be a “go to” guide regularly. It is inspiring, honest, and insightful. I’ve been an irregular yoga student for two decades, always with the back-of-the-mind intention to make it a daily practice. The author both illustrates the off-the-mat applications of a yoga practice through stories of his own journey and reminds the reader that even just a few minutes a day is a worthwhile practice. The authenticity the author brings to the pages makes this book hard to put down and very accessible.
This book is for everyone, not just yogis
I have practiced yoga for 45 years. Some days I wake up and my biggest challenge is forward bend. Other days I feel I can conquer the world. Regardless, yoga is my ballast and Stefan's book inspires me to go beyond my own physical and mental barriers. He writes, "I can stick to the simpler postures and still benefit physically. The more advanced postures are for my brain--overcoming ego, challenging my memory, building focus." There are tidbits of wisdom and inspiration throughout this unique book.
So helpful!!
Finally, a book written just for me! Ha. Kidding, not kidding. I absolutely love how deep yet easy to read this book is. Each section is so valuable; I know I’ll go back and read it again and again. Although I’m a long-time yoga practitioner, I know this book would be useful for anyone, whether they are experienced in yoga philosophy, or not.
A great read!
This book is a gem and a welcome treat for me. It shows how yoga has calmly and logically enabled the author to deal with life’s situations. It has shown me that not only does yoga help you maintain physical fitness, but mental and psychological health in life as well. The book delves into the author’s own experiences, some of which are quite funny. I also enjoyed the author’s sketches. I think there’s a bit of monster in all of us, and I feel this book will help me deal with mine. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!
This book is not just for yogis (or monsters!)
How Not to be a Monster is a fantastic read and you don't need to be a yogi (or a monster) to benefit from its pages. It is a book filled with relatable anecdotes, wisdom and tools that can help you cope with the feelings and reactions that stress can induce. The benefits of yoga are both physical and spiritual and though this book strongly advocates these virtues, I think this book could be equally benefit those who do not wish to practice yoga or spend time on the mat. The book offers a multitude of tools to shift your perspective and responses to a stressful world. If you ever experience moments of feeling like a monster such as saying something you regretted afterwards, or reacting harshly before having all the facts before you, then you will enjoy what this book has to offer. I found this book an easy and enlightening read and I would highly recommend it.