Consider your yoga practice an experiment.
Hi everyone
Been a while, huh? I've had a busy few months adapting to new ways of teaching online and, more significantly, learning to more skillfully manage expectations.
Which brings me to my yoga practice. Despite my best efforts to put expectations aside and not muscle through my practice hell-bent on an anticipated result, sometimes I still find myself disappointed. But I've discovered a way to avoid the burden of expectations: consider my practice an experiment. If I simply 'see what happens' while I'm practicing, several good things happen: I'm more objective about my progress, I learn more about the process, and I often discover unanticipated, useful things about how my body and mind work.
Experimentation elevates my yoga practice from mindless repetition to mindful exploration. And since I'm basically using yoga to get better at living, this applies off the mat as well: cooking a meal, cleaning the house, having a conversation, working at a job. Experimentation keeps things interesting.
In the spirit of experimentation, I've created a couple of weekly live stream classes in addition to all of the private appointments. Folks have been asking for an anchor. They start Monday, September 28. Join us! You can book up to 30 minutes before the class, and if you've paid but can't make it, you can access a recording up to a week later. Online yoga works! I've taught 15 sessions a week since March and seen beautiful progress in clients.
Monday 4:30pm PT, mid-level, 60 minutes, $18
Wednesday 7:30 am PT, mid-level, 60 minutes, $18
I was up in the high desert last weekend, and recorded another mindfulness walk. It's 10 minutes long, and astonishingly refreshing. Challenge yourself to take a break and watch the whole thing. You might see a jackrabbit. You can find more mindfulness walks here, along with some sample yoga videos.
If you're new to my newsletter: Clinic Yoga is a learning-based yoga practice that equips you to sustain lifelong physical and mental fitness. I'm happy to speak with you directly to schedule private sessions.
Oh, and here's a shot from outside the studio last week. That ain't normal. We do have clear skies now. Phew.
See you on the mat!